Gathering Days

Wood Sisters gather around each of the eight seasonal festivals… Festivals that were celebrated by our ancestors to honour the sacred cycle of the earth, as set out on the wheel of the year below. We start each yearly cycle of gatherings at Samhain.

Wood Sisters Gathering days are warm and friendly days open to women of all ages and from any faith or none. Up to twenty women gather in a circle by the fireside at Green Dragon Barn in winter and in the Wood Sisters Red Tent in summer. We look forward to welcoming you!

Booking and payment details are on the events page. Book for a full cycle and get 8 days for the price of 7. Additional support & meetings are available for women committed to the full cycle through our Slow Cook Courses. More details on the courses page.

This year, with our 2014/15 cycle, we are celebrating five wonderful years of rich, sacred celebration. We will then be taking a sabbatical, so after our Autumn Equinox Gathering on September 19th, there will be no further Gathering days or Slow Cook Course in 2015/16.


At Samhain we celebrate the end and beginning of the Celtic Year. This is a magical time, when the veil between the everyday and Otherworld is thin. A time for honouring ancestors and the wisdom of the Crone.


Saturday 1st November 2014:

  • Story – Grimm’s Tale – The Handless Maiden
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)

Saturday 31st October 2015


At Winter Solstice we celebrate the longest night and affirm rebirth and the return of the light in the heart of death and darkness.


Saturday 20th December 2014:

  • Story – Slavic Story – Baba Yaga
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Imbolc we celebrate the earliest signs of Spring and the Maiden aspect of the Goddess as Brigid.


Saturday 31st January 2015:

  • Story – Celtic Tales of Bride and the Cailleach
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Spring Equinox we celebrate the equal balance of day and night (and the light and dark within) and look towards the waxing light and the fullness of Spring.


Saturday 21st March 2015:

  • Story – Hebrew Creation Stories – Eve, Lilith and Adam
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Beltane we celebrate the fertile height of Spring and early summer. A potent time for expressing the powers of sexuality and creativity.


Saturday 2nd May 2015:

  • Story – Greek Myths – Psyche and Eros
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Midsummer we celebrate the longest day and the turn towards the waning light. A peak time of expansion and achievement and for letting go of what holds us back.


Saturday 2oth June 2015:

  • Story – Nordic Tales- Tatterhood
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Lughnasadh/Lammas we celebrate the fullness of summer and the first fruits of our outer and inner harvests. A time for honouring The Goddess as Mother.


Saturday 1st August 2015:

  • Story – Greek Goddesses of love and abundance
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)


At Autumn Equinox we celebrate again the balance of day and night and gather in our harvests at the autumn’s end. A time for reflection and turning back towards the inner life.


Saturday 19th September 2015:

  • Story- Celtic Goddesses, Arianrhod & Blodeuwedd
  • Cost £55 (concessions available)