The Wood Sisters Winter Storytelling Festival

The new webpage for our Winter Festival is now live! (Place your computer cursor on the Events tab at the top of this journal page to access the Winter Storytelling Festival page or click here)

As we move through the magic of Advent and Christmas, sometimes the cold days of January and February can feel rather dark and drear. In the past, people would look forward then to celebrating the earliest signs of Spring and the returning light at the festivals of Imbolc and Candlemas. In current times, many of us are also aware of the challenging forces at work in economic, political and environmental spheres and of little lights of hope and new beginnings that are unfolding around the world. With all these themes of dark and light in mind, we are delighted to announce our Winter Storytelling festival on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th February 2012 at The South Devon Steiner School.

Chase the winter blues away with magical tales from around the world, including many with a celtic inspiration and beautiful music. Strengthen your spirit through guided meditations and simple ceremony. Deepen your understanding of ancient and modern approaches to dark and light/ despair, hope and empowerment through inspiring talks, workshops and poetry. Enjoy seasonal craft activities and delicious food…and all this while raising funds for the school and The Wood Sisters Red Tent project! The programme is still evolving and yet already includes both new and celebrated artists, including the national storytelling laureate, Katrice Horsley.

Volunteer help with anything from serving food to forging will be much appreciated and working tickets will be available. We sincerely hope many of our Wood Sisters will join us in telling stories, playing music, creating crafts, holding sacred space and offering delicious food for this special fundraising event and there will be a dedicated stall where Sisters will be able to showcase their own work and creativity.

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