Many thanks for the Winter Festival

Many thanks to all who joined the Wood Sisters on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th February 2012, to celebrate the winter festival of Imbolc and Candlemas with a feast of myth, poetry and storytelling, meditation and ceremony, seasonal crafts, music and delicious food.

It was wonderful to welcome several hundred people to the South Devon Steiner School and to see everyone from babes in arms, through to children, young people, men and women, parents and grandparents, all enjoying the magic of myth and storytelling and together becoming a warm and friendly community for a couple of days.

There were many highlights: ancient myths, deep soul stories and searing poetry… toe tapping music and Breton dance… wonderful workshops from forging to creating beautiful Bridie dolls… the best stone-baked organic pizzas in the worst weather… and moments of warm reflection, heart-full  harp music and deep peace in the Sanctuary.

This was a true winter festival with some wild winter weather, which contributed both blessings and challenges! Dancing with Brigid on a frosty Friday night under the moon and arriving to falling snow on Saturday certainly added to the seasonal spirit. (Though most of us were less enthusiastic about queueing in the rain for our supper!)

Our grateful thanks go out to all the talented artists and generous volunteers who made this festival so successful and to everyone who came along to support us and enjoy the many treats on offer. It is especially wonderful that so many Wood Sisters joined us as both artists and volunteers. Together we raised £3,000, which gives The Wood Sisters exactly the amount we need to create the Red Tent and provides a £1,000 donation to the School. Well done everyone and we’ll be back next year!

In the meantime, please browse the winter festival website and visit the Wood Sisters Winter Storytelling Festival facebook page to see what was on this year and to get a feel for the kind of delights we will offer in 2013. Have a read of the feedback and comments from this year’s festival and please do get in touch with any feedback, photos or suggestions for the future you would like to share…

We hope to be posting again soon with some more pictures and soul full reflections from the Bardic Babes and other woodsisterly storytellers from the Festival..and more news from the creation of The Red Tent. Meanwhile, touch into the power of the triple Goddess through Maggie Squires’s incredible mask dance “Bones for the Red Tent’ which you can watch here.

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