Spring Equinox 2012

On Saturday 24th March the Wood Sisters gathered for their Spring Equinox 2012 Celebration. We were especially delighted to welcome some sisters who were joining us for the first time, including from Cornwall and London. This was the second of our ‘Slow Cook Course’ days and there was a strong sense that the magic of the Wood Sisters really is starting to brew and mature in a very wonderful way. Several sisters wrote afterwards to express their own feeling for this as follows:

I felt something of the strength of the vessel as well as something bigger than the sum of our individual presences. I could feel the space being opened by those who shared before me…how much we lay footsteps in the snow for one another not just today but over time.It is quite something to share at depth our truths, our inner journeys, to trust one another, as well as to laugh and play together.  There is a co-creation and I felt both the steadfastness and relaxnessed of the holding. This is a balance that receives us. I, for one, am very grateful for that.   (Abigail)

a quick note to say thank you for a wonder full day.. i really appreciate how you and Sue weave together.. and the qualities of how and what you share..i feel affirmed..held and inspired by your presence.. and i loved making my wand/sword!! and i notice more and more how i am increasingly curious about myself and women..the distance and closeness between us..and much more.. (Kes)

The day started as ever with a sharing of seasonal reflections on our experiences of Nature and our inner natures. Many Sisters were moved by the power of spring energies in their lives, which can be both vitalising and rather disturbing! Sue then transporting us to ancient Egypt through the story of Isis and Osiris. Different aspects of the story touched each of us in unique ways. I was struck by the image of Isis, grieving for her lost love, sitting silent, still and unrecognised beside a pool and receiving visions that lead to deep transformations…. I was touched somehow by this meeting or balance of stillness and power.

In meditation we made our own inner journey to encounter Isis, followed by time in silence for journalling, drawing or simply being outside in the beautiful, warm spring sun. Returning to gather around our Wisdom Pot and reflect together, we shared a wide range of experience and for me some kind of theme continued to unfold about ‘the strength of vulnerability’ (to use Abigail’s words) …of what it is to be both a Goddess and a vulnerable woman all at the same time.

After our bring and share feast, with many delights including nettle soup, beetroot salad and more, we set off into the garden, woods and fields, to commune with the local trees and ask for some wood for wand making. This turned out to be both a simple and sacred craft and, as can be seen in the photo, each wand was as unique as the sister who created it.

The day ended with a shared ceremony around the hearth. We each had space to light a candle, burn some sage, or drop a jewel in the bowls symbolising our own spring pools. Thoughts, prayers and poetry were shared, with both tears and laughter… and to conclude, we joined together in song. Thank us, dear Wood Sisters, for another rich and deep day…

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